Friday, June 29, 2012

Fibromyalgia: Every Body System is Affected

"We believe there is a genetically defective kidney enzyme, which causes phosphate retention to accumulate to critical levels within cells. This interferes with energy formation, a substance called ATP, and to a malfunction in susceptible tissues. Excess phosphate induces calcium retention, and together they cause all of the manifestations of fibromyalgia.  Fibromyalgia would be more appropriately named Dysenergism to better describe the overwhelming fatigue and the metabolic disturbances throughout body tissues."    
~ Dr. St. Amand, practicing medical doctor in Los Angeles, CA who stumbled upon the reversal treatment for Fibryomyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

For years, I've had one issue pop up after another.  I thought... it was just because I worked in an office environment in a sedentary job, I didn't exercise enough, I have 2, 3, 4 kids, I "do too much", I attend births in the wee hours of the night, I should have eaten more protein in pregnancy or hydrated better, it's pregnancy's fault, no, it is breastfeeding's fault.  I'm here to say, it sometimes takes us many years of suffering various conditions and recurring issues with a symptom big enough and painful enough to grab our attention, SHAKE US, and proclaim, "there is something really wrong with you!"

 No one wants to have anything medically wrong with them that is serious.  No one wants a terrifying, depressing diagnosis.  No one wants to suffer with chronic illness.  But, sadly, I do.  :(

As I'm writing this, my cousin on my mother's side of the family writes to tell me there are a few suffering with this condition in our family.  I suspected but didn't know anyone was diagnosed.  I'll have to get more info so I can understand my family history of this illness more.

For now, I'm going to attempt to remember (see the letter B above for why I say "attempt") all of my symptoms and issues to-date:
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Restless legs and arms
  • Muscle and joint pain in legs, arms, toes, fingers, back
  • Feeling that I'm elderly and near death's door
  • Anxiety, history of panic attacks
  • Getting really hot but when I'm cold feeling super cold
  • Chronic infections (yeast, mastitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, colds, stomach flu, etc...)
  • Chronic low back pain before children
  • Short-term memory loss (getting worse)
  • Inability to focus and concentrate to finish a project efficiently or even a sensible conversation
  • Post Partum Depression twice, other low points in life some caused by traumatic events
  • Stress of being a busy mother of many, wife, running a household and finances, involved in organizations, work, studies
  • Skin problems - new places popping up out of no where
  • Low energy - hard to exercise when it makes me feel worse or exacerbates my low back issue
  • Flu-like body symptoms following too much exertion like painting a room, day at Disney that takes 2 days to recover from the immense pain especially in my feet and legs
  • Muscle weakness making daily activities hard like washing hair, brushing teeth, lifting baby, holding baby to breastfeed, changing the channel - the weight of the remote, typing, handwriting, knitting, driving - holding the wheel for long periods
  • Digestively: stomach upset after eating, gas, bloating, nausea between meals
  • Diagnosed in my mid-20s with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Diagnosed last month with dairy/egg allergy resolving a lifetime of constipation and regularity issues.
  • Easily irritated due to the frustration of the above symptoms and any minor amount of stress
  • Apathy at times feeling like giving up then determined at times to find a solution
Every part of my body feels dragged into this symptom nightmare.  In pregnancy with my fourth, I even had high blood pressure (from 90/60 to 130/80 with some bad days in the 140/90 to 148/101 range but thankfully not that last week), diagnosed with proteinuria using 24-hour urine test, diagnosed with hyperuricemia, had pitting edema, gained the most weight ever (so much was retained fluid!), and the metabolic panel showed changes but thankfully the liver enzymes though elevated were not outside of the normal range.  This all came to a head a few days before she just plopped out in one hour of labor making induction talk moot.

I refuse to give up searching for ways to reverse, eliminate, or lessen all of the above symptoms.

I want my life back.

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