No one wants to have anything medically wrong with them that is serious. No one wants a terrifying, depressing diagnosis. No one wants to suffer with chronic illness. But, sadly, I do. :(
As I'm writing this, my cousin on my mother's side of the family writes to tell me there are a few suffering with this condition in our family. I suspected but didn't know anyone was diagnosed. I'll have to get more info so I can understand my family history of this illness more.
For now, I'm going to attempt to remember (see the letter B above for why I say "attempt") all of my symptoms and issues to-date:
- Chronic fatigue
- Insomnia
- Restless legs and arms
- Muscle and joint pain in legs, arms, toes, fingers, back
- Feeling that I'm elderly and near death's door
- Anxiety, history of panic attacks
- Getting really hot but when I'm cold feeling super cold
- Chronic infections (yeast, mastitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, colds, stomach flu, etc...)
- Chronic low back pain before children
- Short-term memory loss (getting worse)
- Inability to focus and concentrate to finish a project efficiently or even a sensible conversation
- Post Partum Depression twice, other low points in life some caused by traumatic events
- Stress of being a busy mother of many, wife, running a household and finances, involved in organizations, work, studies
- Skin problems - new places popping up out of no where
- Low energy - hard to exercise when it makes me feel worse or exacerbates my low back issue
- Flu-like body symptoms following too much exertion like painting a room, day at Disney that takes 2 days to recover from the immense pain especially in my feet and legs
- Muscle weakness making daily activities hard like washing hair, brushing teeth, lifting baby, holding baby to breastfeed, changing the channel - the weight of the remote, typing, handwriting, knitting, driving - holding the wheel for long periods
- Digestively: stomach upset after eating, gas, bloating, nausea between meals
- Diagnosed in my mid-20s with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Diagnosed last month with dairy/egg allergy resolving a lifetime of constipation and regularity issues.
- Easily irritated due to the frustration of the above symptoms and any minor amount of stress
- Apathy at times feeling like giving up then determined at times to find a solution
I refuse to give up searching for ways to reverse, eliminate, or lessen all of the above symptoms.
I want my life back.
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