Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Inflammation: The first of many posts on this topic...

Do you suffer from an "-itis"?  Do you have a disease condition?  Are you undiagnosed but in daily misery with symptoms you aren't sure what they are? And maybe or maybe you didn't see a physician or other provider for more insight?

Welcome to The Inflammation Club.

(Note:  There is no exclammation point because this isn't an exciting moment.  It's a rather depressing and frustrating one.)

In addition to my other passions, I will explore inflammatory processes and treatments, as well as let you follow my own personal journey through this unexpected and ever-draining ordeal.  I welcome your comments and hope any info I provide helps you along your path.

I am a student midwife, a health researcher especially on topics relating to women's health, pregnancy and birth, a doula (labor assistant), a childbirth educator, a mother of four and a wife.  I am not your healthcare provider so everything I share is to be read with interest and discussed with your healthcare team of professionals guiding you on your own journey.

Join me until we find our own unique cures and become inflammation-free!

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