Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Introducing Dr. Shoemaker, the Leading Expert on Mold Illness & Biotoxins

Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker -- www.SurvivingMold.com -- a medical doctor from the Eastern Shore of Maryland educated at Duke medical school and has taught at Duke, Johns Hopkins and is still teaching at University of Maryland medical schools.  He has done extensive research and has treated patients for decades in a private family practice and focuses on biotoxin illnesses.  (See his C.V.)  He has written many books but these two are the ones we will be focusing on...  (the newest one Surviving Mold is downloaded in my iPhone).

Surviving Mold book store                   Mold Warriors Book Store

Instead of rewriting a great synapsis of Dr. Shoemaker's discoveries with testing and treatment of toxic mold illness, I am including several excerpts from a web site (www.BetterHealthGuy.com) summarized by Scott Forsgren, another mold illness victim.


Are you genetically susceptible and therefore have a predisposition to a biotoxin like mold?

A blood test looks at HLA (human leukocyte antigen) to find this answer.
"The immune system uses HLA to determine the difference between "self" and "non-self". HLA is involved in the steps responsible for antibody formation. These genes have been associated with an inability of the body to recover from illnesses resulting from Lyme disease, molds, and other sources. In the event that a person has a susceptible genotype, the body does not recognize the toxins as a foreign invader and thus, they are allowed to remain in the body. This causes long-term and perpetual ill-health. It has been asserted that nearly 100% of people that become ill after exposure to a biotoxin can be shown to have a predisposition to that biotoxin through the HLA-DR genotype. Many of us have bodies that simply do not recognize the presence of these toxic substances and thus do nothing to eliminate them. Dr. Shoemaker uses the terms "mold susceptible" to categorize one's HLA genotype."

It is just one part of the puzzle discovering you are genetically susceptible.  If you are exposed like I was to significant inhalation of mold spores when cleaning and sweeping dust for hours in a mold basement and you are susceptible to mold illness, then your body cannot fight off the biotoxins in its tissues and organs by itself. 

What other blood tests are done to monitor the body's response to a biotoxin illness like mold?
The “Biotoxin Pathway” shows the cascade of events that starts a biotoxin illness in those who are HLA-susceptible the moment that they are exposed to a biotoxin. It leads to increased leptin, increased cytokines, increased MMP-9 (MMP-9 is a global measure of cytokine activity in the body), reduced VEGF, and reduced MSH (alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone). Reduced MSH leads to reduced ADH (antidiuretic hormone), reduced sex hormones, changes in cortisol and ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), prolonged illness, resistant staphylococci infections, gastrointestinal problems, chronic pain, and sleep disturbances. All of these are downstream effects of a biotoxin in an HLA-susceptible individual. It is mind-boggling to try and comprehend the magnitude of negative impacts on so many body systems caused by a biotoxin.
Dr. Shoemaker's Monitoring Protocol:  The labs are monitored (MMP9, VEGF, C4a, and TGF beta-1) and Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) discussed below at each step.  The next intervention is continually enacted that fixes each uncorrected item until we get to the "top" of the treatment pyramid.

My results fall in line with being exposed to a biotoxin:  I have increased cytokines and reduced VEGF.  I've also tested low for thyroid hormone, have tested high for dairy/egg food allergy, struggle with nightly insomnia and other mold illness related symptoms like those listed below.
"The symptoms of mold illnesses include:
  • Fatigue  
  • Headaches  
  • Weakness  
  • Stabbing sensations  
  • Light sensitivity  
  • Rashes  
  • Memory loss  
  • Concentration difficulties  
  • Confusion  
  • Joint pain and morning stiffness  
  • Shortness of breath  
  • Cough  
  • Blurred vision  
  • Sweats  
  • Abdominal Pain  
  • Metallic taste  
  • Static shocks  
  • Sinus congestion  
  • Numbness and tingling  
  • Skin sensitivity  
  • Muscle aches and pains"
What is a simple online test you can do to see if you have biotoxins in your system?

VCS Online Test

The online screening test is a measure of one of the neurologic functions of vision called contrast.  I have failed this test twice in 2012.  Try it to see if you are suffering!

What is Dr. Shoemaker's treatment protocol?
"Dr. Shoemaker contends that people with mold-related biotoxin illness are not necessarily infected with a mold or fungus, but that they are exposed to the spores that these produce which are highly toxic. When biotoxin illness is confirmed, Dr. Shoemaker often uses a combination treatment of Cholestyramine (CSM) and Actos, along with a low amylose diet. CSM works by removing the toxins that have entered the body. Though it should still be a key goal to avoid the toxin-producing substances in the first place, CSM can help to bind to the toxins already in the body and shuttle them out of the system. A low amylose diet is an extremely important part of the treatment protocol, as it helps to minimize (along with the Actos) the pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are often elevated in individuals with biotoxin induced illnesses."

To see more on this subject from Scott visit his web page at: http://www.betterhealthguy.com/topics/mold#sthash.z9iIlENw.dpuf

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